The Moon and Orion

February 24, 2015

Got really tempted after being in Helsinki last week and photographing the stars. Wednesday was quite a clear night in North Cambridgeshire so I dragged out the BIG tripod!

These shots are pleasing me although I know I can get a lot more detail with some extra effort. I should stop being scared of the cold!

Orion holds plenty of promise and I've always had a passion for it since I was a kid (cub scout)... an easy to recognise constellation with Betelgeuse orange and up in the top left-hand corner.

I tried a more telephoto shot of the 'downward hanging clusters from Orion's belt'... the brighter two objects forming part of the Great Orion Nebula. The lowest star being Hatsya. The 'belt' being formed from Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.


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