A quick walk around the Docks

February 18, 2015

It was only a short trip to Helsinki. I had a couple of hours before I had to my way back to the airport so I took the opportunity to have a walk around the docks - not a part of Helsinki I'd been to in over around 60 trips. One day I'm going to have to spend some 'Bazza' time in this city!

So many fascinating, and interesting, images to capture --- one day!

A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0115.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0116.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0122.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0126.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0146.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0149.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0152.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0159.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0162.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0178.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0160.jpg A quick walk around the Docks | BLC_0177.jpg

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